
PAC warns ministries, agencies of govt against lackadiasical attitude to probes



Senate Committee chairman on Public Accounts, Senator Aliyu Wadada has sent a warning signal to ministries, departments and agencies of Government that it will not be business as usual as it will not condone old ways of probe that are not result oriented.

This is coming against the backdrop that many agencies of government treat investigative hearing of the public accout commity with levity as they hardly turn up to respond to auditor general’s querries

The committee on Wednesdqy had commenced probe on the content of the financial accountability report from the office of the accountant general of the federation.

The report tagged Accountant General Report 2019, which is a carry over from the 9th National Assembly was recently submitted to the committee.

In his remarks at the opening of the investigation on Wednesday, the Chairman challenged members of his committee to come up with new ways that will give results and ensure proper  accountability and transparency for the good of Nigeria.

Senator Wadada said his committee is begining with officials from the office the Accountant General of the Federation so as to address issues based on the queries that emanated from Auditor general report 2019. 

He assured that the probe is not intended  to witch hunt or antagonize persons or groups, but  to collaborate with those who are eager to have a better Nigeria.

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