
Groups move to report large scale murder, land-grabbing in South East to international community



The Yoruba nation and Igbo Biafra State agitators in Southern Nigeria on Tuesday drew the attention of international community to the ongoing military operations and killings by the Nigerian military forces in the South Eastern parts of the country.

Chief Sunday Adeyemo aka Igboho and Simon Ekpa raised the alarm for and on behalf of Yoruba and Biafra.

The groups deplored the illegal operation being carried out in the guise of military as they called on the international community to intervene.

In a statement by the groups which was made available to the Nationalupdate on Tuesday said: “We hereby draw the attention of the global community to the current escalation by the Nigerian Military of mindless violence on a genocidal scale being perpetrated against innocent and unarmed individuals and whole

communities throughout the territory of the Republic of Biafra and to reaffirm the unshakable joint determination of Biafran and Orileede Yoruba to resist the unprovoked aggression of the Federal Government that is acting the script of a land-grabbing aggression by a homeless and landless minority Fulani nationality for territorial acquisition in Southern Nigeria.
“We also draw the attention of the global community to the regular killings by Nigeria’s security agencies of Yoruba youths who are peacefully exercising their right to hold demonstrations and rallies in promotion of their Yoruba nation’s quest for self determination.

The Indigenous Peoples of Biafra and of Orileede Yoruba hereby alert the international community that all the acts of aggression and killings by the Nigerian Army in Biafra are motivated by the desperation of the Fulani ethnic nationality, assisted by the Fulani-controlled Federal Government of Nigeria, to destabilize the territory of Biafra in order to facilitate a planned electoral fraud in their planned February 2023 elections through the disfranchisement of large numbers of the people of Biafra.

The robbing of Biafran people of electoral power in their homeland is with a view to ensuring the consolidation of the murderous Fulani regime that holds the nihilist Nigerian state in its grip.

“We also inform the international community that the repeated and often murderous denial of freedom of expression and peaceful demonstration in the territory of Orileede Yoruba are all driven by the ultimate ambition of the Fulani to conquer and subjugate the indigenous peoples of Nigeria and turn their homelands into a Fulani homeland.

”We say to the world that heinous crimes against humanity, including even acts aiming at genocide, are being daily perpetrated among Yoruba and Biafran peoples in the barbarous, destructive and disastrous country called Nigeria.

“An estimated 29,000 innocent and unarmed Yoruba people have been killed in Orileede Yoruba and 1.6 million have been forced to flee into exile in neighboring Benin Republic.

In Biafra, an estimated 45, 000 have been killed, 10,000 are missing, 7000 are illegally held in custody, and over 3 million have been displaced from their homes.

“We announce to the world the firm resolve of Biafran and Yoruba peoples that the unprovoked military aggression by Fulani-led Nigeria in Biafra and Orileede Yoruba shall be jointly resisted with all the means available to our two peoples of Biafra and Orileede Yoruba.

“We inform the international community of the determination of our two peoples to resist most determinedly and to make futile all the violence by the Fulani and the proxy Northern Army of Nigeria.

“Finally, we the peoples of Biafra and Yoruba, together with the hundreds of other indigenous peoples of the South and Middle Belt of Nigeria, call on the international community – the United Nations, the European Union, the BRICS Group of Nations, the African Union, and the world’s most powerful nations of United States of America, United Kingdom, France, Germany, Russia, China and others, to embark without delay on serious investigations of, and intervention in, the perpetual killings and perpetual flow of blood in the land of savagery, poverty and anarchy that is called Nigeria.

“The world and the human race have a desperate duty to exercise the ‘Right to Protect’ in Nigeria, because of Nigeria’s hundreds of indigenous nationalities that are threatened with extermination, theunending cries of mass killings from Nigeria, the genocidal aggression against various nationalities in Nigeria, the destructions of human settlements and farms and other assets of rural life in Nigeria, the massive instances of raping of women for the purpose of degrading the sense of dignity of whole peoples, the relentless acts (such as the burning of marketplaces, the desecration and destruction of churches, mosques and ancestral shrines, the laying of ambushes on roads and highways and the kidnapping of travelers, etc) that are aimed at destroying the economic life and the cultural heritages of various peoples in order to pauperize, destabilize and ultimately wipe them out, the oft-expressed cries from many Nigerian nationalities that they are being targeted for extermination, the official encouragement and assistance by Nigeria’s government of mass influxes of non-Nigerian Fulani into Nigeria from other countries of West Africa for the purpose of reinforcing the Nigerian Fulani capability for aggression, killings and destructions, and the frequent outcries from Nigeria about the complicity of the Nigerian Government in these various crimes against humanity.

“The international community did a great service to humanity by strongly and effectively intervening in similar circumstances in the Darfur province of the Republic of Sudan; the international community did a great service to humanity too by powerfully intervening when
Yugoslavia was going through a massively bloody experience of disintegrating.

“Conditions similar to Darfur’s condition and to Yugoslavia’s experience now reign over Nigeria.

“In the years since 2015 during which the killings, destruction, and the sordid crimes against humanity have escalated steadily in Nigeria, various agencies of the international community have documented and spoken out about these horrid Nigerian conditions.

A United Nations Common Country Analysis (CCA) in 2015 painted a staggeringly gloomy picture of Nigeria, describing Nigeria as a badly “divided” country and as “one of the poorest and the most unequal country in the world”, and adding that, for decades, various Nigerian peoples have cried out their pains of being “dominated”, “oppressed”, “threatened”, or even “targeted for extermination”.

“A United Nations Rapportteur General to Nigeria in 2019 reported that the Constitution under which Nigeria was being governed – the Constitution which a Fulani military dictatorship wrote and decreed in 1999 without any participation or consent by Nigerians– is a “pressure cooker” for misrule, injustice, conflict and national collapse.

“An international agency designated Nigeria in 2018 as the number one home of “extreme poverty” in the world, and another wrote that Nigerians are the poorest in the world in access to electricity, purified water, security, adequate food, reliable public service, and responsive government. Another predicted that fully 50% of the world’s poorest people by 2050 will be Nigerians. Recently, the United States alerted Nigeria that the international terrorist network, ISIS, had established a presence in Nigeria’s most importantcity of Lagos.

“Terrorists today hold the many small settlements that surround Nigeria’s capital city of Abuja; recently, United States soldiers had to intervene to stop terrorists from overrunning the seat of the Nigerian Federal Government in Abuja; all embassies of all countries have seriously scaled down their personnel and services in Abuja; the President of Nigeria himself was recently ambushed on a journey just outside Abuja, resulting in damages to his vehicles and the killing and wounding of some of his officers; and terrorists have raided unopposed, and destroyed, the main maximum security prison in the precincts of Abuja and set all the prisoners free.

“The world and the international community are fully cognizant of the horrendous anarchy that reigns over Nigeria and the cataclysmic Armageddon that is fast approaching in Nigeria “The famous former President of Nigeria, President Obasanjo, has been repeatedly raising the alarm to the world that war has become inevitable, and is imminent, in Nigeria, that the conflagration of war will be ignited by a sudden escalation of Fulani aggression to grab the homelands of the indigenous peoples of Nigeria, and that the war will export enormous destruction and human suffering to all the rest of West Africa.

“It is therefore a matter of desperate emergency for the international community to hurry now to the service of humanity in Nigeria.

“Let it be known to the world that we the peoples of Orileede Yoruba and of Biafra will take whatever steps and measures we find necessary for defending our ancestral homelands, our peoples and our cultural heritages.

“For the sake of absolute certainty, and for the avoidance of doubt, we the peoples of Orileede Yoruba and of Biafra have resolved irrevocably that we do not belong to Nigeria any more, and that none of our citizens will be incinerated in the flaming holocaust that is imminent in Nigeria.

“The everlasting night of uttermost darkness is falling over the country hitherto known as Nigeria, and the human race must hurry to salvage humanity as much as possible from the horror.

“As for us Yoruba and Biafran peoples, we no longer have to fear the holocaust because we are totally ready to ward it away from our borders,” Adeyemo and Ekpa explained.

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