
Aduvie International school holds Award presentation, Graduation ceremony



The annual prize, speech giving day and graduation ceremony of Aduvie International School, Jahi District, Abuja held on Friday, the 13th,August 2022.
The head of the school, Abiodun Olusoji on behalf of the management team of the institution expressed profound gratitude to parents for their unflinching support and cooperation over the years since their children and wards enrolled till they graduated from the school.

In her speech, the valedictorian, Ofure Venise Eigbe eulogised their school teachers and the management led by Dr. Aima Lott-J for providing such a conducive and enabling environment for learning that has made them excelled in their academics, sports and other spheres.
She was full of praises for her parents, Mr and Mrs Augustine Ibhagbosoria Eigbe for their love, for teaching her the values and principles she carries and for never taking her dreams for granted.
She said, “I thank you for passing through this journey with me. At times, when the pressure was too much and I felt like giving up, you always kept me strong and I appreciate both of you for this parental responsibility”.
During the award presentation , Ofure received different awards such as the best behaved student, the best student in the mock WAEC examination, the most outstanding student in humanitarian and community services for her Save A Future Initiative (SAFI) amongst other awards.

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