
Sunusi Kiru : A beautiful bride that no one wants to let go



The incumbent Kano State Commissioner of Education Hon Sunusi M Kiru may have earned for himself a status that is taller than his physical posture making him a beautiful bride that no one will let go

A seeming drama played out recently in the political arena of our ancient city of Kano which was delightful and sensational to watch because of the actors involved wrapped with a unique and noticeable lesson to be learnt which portrayed the man in the middle of the saga as someone useful, exceptional, Intellectually endowed, untiring young man who is making waves due to his rapid rising profile and general acceptance. Talking about one of the best commissioners in the country whose performances is glaring and worthy of emulation.
It’s an open secret that about a week ago, His Excellency Dr Abdullahi Umar Ganduje took everyone by surprise when he declared that every government appointee who was interested in seeking elective position in the 2023 election should resign.

Ganduje’s directive came against the backdrop of the newly signed Electoral act. The announcement which has less than forty eight hours deadline for those nursing ambition witnessed unprecedented number of appointees who tendered their resignation letters.

The unexpected number of government officials that complied with immediate alacrity was freighting as it raised immense curiosity among political watchers and analysts.

Over hundred appointees tendered their resignation but an issue worthy of note was the setting aside of those top notch political office holders that included seven commissioners and Chief of Staff..

All those highly placed and other top government officials, are undoubtedly great achievers that performed satisfactory and with excellent antecedents.

However, four of the commissioners who resigned and tendered their letters, received commendations and words of appreciation from His Excellency who assured them of his unflinching support in their future endeavours.

What made the issue sensational and delightful to analyse and interpret by many politicians and analysts was the sudden decision that led to his refusal to accept the resignation of his chief of staff and three other commissioners which included our subject, whom Excellency stepped his foot and insisted that they should hold on which naturally displayed their value and untiring spirit in taking the state to its enviable status and continue contributing to the commendable developmental efforts that is glaring and worthy of emulation, for which even the sworn enemies of the administration have no choice than to acknowledge

But the man on the saddle at the Ministry of education was asked and ordered by His Excellency to remain on his seat and keep raising the flag due to his exceptional, unique and extraordinary achievements which even a blind man can see that he has uplifted the standard of education in the state the transformation of which has caught the attention of the global community going by the outpouring of commendations and wrapped with several awards and recognition from both home and abroad for this youthful and untiring administrator.

When he assumed office, many then perceived and interpreted government action as a wrong and undeserving. But all said and done then, the youthful personality was then confronted with the task of bringing positive changes to that important sector which was in comotose and in need of intellectual and strong minded personality to mount the saddle. But within the last three years, the youthful and Intellectually endowed commissioner has set the ball rolling and has finally shamed his detractors and doubting Thomases and in the process justified the confidence His Excellency reposed in him and glaringly vindicated..

The youthful, humble, humanitarian, visionary, Intellectually endowed, simple-minded, progressive nature, untiring spirit to make differences, coupled with burning desire to leave a legacy has recorded success upon success in the state educational sector that are just too numerous to mention. Everything about his globally acknowledged and recognised achievements are well documented and quite visible that doesn’t needs mentioning.

His Excellency refusal to accept his resignation is a pointer to the fact that the man has immeasurable value to the success of the administration and can’t be allow to let go at the moment. A sheer indication that the youthful politician has built a strong reputation as an exceptional administration expert, and the fear of finding a suitable and capable person to continue doing and building upon the commendable efforts of the man is worrying and hercules task that is becoming a heavy burden, as such His Excellency insisted that the man won’t move an inch.

But the bone of contention now and major issue of discussion is the ongoing wrestling and battle of wits between His Excellency and people of the commissioner constituency. Both side wants him and for a very vital and justifiable reasons. I have stated earlier on the major reason His Excellency remains adamant and deliberately refused to let him go. Moreover he may be visualising a future assignments and plan he has on him.

Let take liberty and throw a hypothesis. His Excellency has absolute confidence and belief that His party would still form a new government comes 2023 and in such scenario he would direct the new administration to keep him on that seat so as to reap the fruit of this visionary achiever who may then have eight years of commendable administration of the sector which in the end may even led the state to be far ahead in the nation interms of educational advancements and reputation. Good and justifiable indeed..

While from the side of the people from his constituency, they are presently engrossed in yearning, pleading, craving and praying for their son of the soil to come back home and be there representative in Federal House of representatives. Been a politician with massive record of glaring achievements, the beautiful bride should be drafted to seek for high office as representative, knowing fully well that he is going be a real law makers who can rub shoulders with anyone and surely turn to an active one not dormant or mere onlooker that won’t hesitate to be sending bills upon bills and with intellect and confidence to defend and fully involved in any debate to perfectly and convincingly convince his fellow members. Bills that would benefit them and bring transformational changes to their lives for the betterment of state and the nation..

It is on record, the Zone representing Kiru/ Bebeji has been yearning to have a better representative, for at present they are subjected to background without any tangible projects or any sign of enjoying dividend of democracy. As their worthy son, part from commendable performance in the ministry he is assigned with, his humanitarian gestures and inner desire of alleviating the suffering of his people is legendary. His office is always behive of activities with hundreds trooping in daily to seek of one favour or the other. He has brought different projects to his people, provides them with endless empowerments programs, offered scholarships, massive skill accumulation training, crating job opportunities and employment offers to many..

Which community on earth won’t call this illustrious son of the soil back to represent them at upper level? Definitely none! Because the essence of democracy is to seek an individual whom they can trust with their constitutionally backed collective wealth. As such everyone craved for the best and the people of Kiru/ Bebeji/ Minjibir constituency won’t be denied their constitutional power and authority..

The extraordinary achiever that is no doubt making the entire youth across the state and the nation proud, decided to heed their call by accepting it wholeheartedly by deciding to do the needful through resignation but unfortunately the all powerful Alpha and Omega of the party said it won’t work as he won’t let this jewel go at this critical period. Now the final say lies with him because the said youthful politician won’t let down the man he considered as a father, whom he had unflinching loyalty for that is undiluted and unquestionable.

For now, my advice to his people is to plead, beg, cajole, cry, and bow for him to let the beautiful bride return home and save their soul before it’s too late..

Over to you Our Excellency.

Shariff Aminu Ahlan Ganduje Intellectual Warrior…

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