
Zoning is undemocratic, Ungodly -Kogi APC chair



The reelected All Progressives Congress (APC) Chairman, Kogi State chapter Honorabke Abdullahi Bello has described the idea of zoning being contemplated in the 2023 election as undemocratic and ungodly.

Speaking over the weekend in Abuja at a reception organized in his honor over his reelection as the APC chairman for Kogi State, he said, “In a democracy like ours you allow everybody to Express his or her view. As a matter of fact zoning is undemocratic, zoning is ungodly. Zoning will not give you the chance to have the best man.

Speaking against the backdrop that the chairmanship position has been zoned to Northcentral which makes it unlikely that the party will at the same time zone the presidency to the North he said,

“As far as the youths in general in Nigeria are concerned they want a situation where the best man should have the ticket. As far as we are concerned Yahaya Bello is the candidate to beat come 2023

 “I am happy you said the party has zoned the chairmanship to the NorthCentral not the presidential ticket. As far as we are concerned the APC have their own style. 

“That the chairmanship position has been zoned to North central cannot stop his excellency Yahaya Bwllo from running and if you look at the new electoral act you cannot disenfranchised anybody, whether he is from Northcentral or not. 

“Even if the National chairman should come from Kogi Yahaya Bello will still run. His chances are very bright in the sense that today we have the youth all over Nigeria calling on him to run for the Presidenccy. 

“His constituency which is the youth constitutes 70% of the population so he has the brightest chance than every other aspirant.

On the 35% affirmative action for women inclusion in politics he said,

“I can tell you, I can assure in Kogi it is 40%, secretary to the Government is a woman, the head of service is a woman and several other sensitive positions like all the vice chairmen of the 21 local Governments are women, all the council leaders are women.”

When asked about the crises ticking the party what he thinks is the way iut he said, “To best of my knowledge there is no crises in APC as far as I am concerned. We are ready for the convention and the date 26th is sacrosanct.

On his reelection and how he feels he said, “Well those who know me, who have the opportunity of working with me and the APC at large in Kogi, know that I am a mobilizeŕ, I believe in the party APC and of course the Governor has given me all the necessary support that I needed to succeed and that is what has been the secret. 

“What I will do more is to continue to encourage more people to embrace the party.

On Bello’s ambition he said it is a sacrifice the governor must accept by running in 2023 on the platform of the APC, “why because today in Nigeria there has been security issue that require a person that has the political will and the wherewithal to tackle the insecurity. 

“To the best of my knowledge Yahaya Bello will do justice to that if given the opportunity and that is why most us, we are calling on him, we are begging him to please take a shot at the Presidency come 2023.”

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