
Kanu Agabi frowns at the relegation of the deputy governor’s office



Senior Advocate of Nigeria (SAN) and former Attorney General of the Federation, Kanu Agabi, has expressed displeasure with the political class over the lack of respect for the constitution as it has to do with the relegation of the office of the deputy Governors.

Speaking on Monday at the opening of a two day National Conference by the ⁹0g Forum of Former Deputy Governors of Nigeria (FFDGN), he said the lack of observance of the constitution and inability to observe the constitution to the later does not in any way demean the constitution.

He reiterated the importance of a deputy governor in the joint ticket in any State, adding that if the deputy governor is not validly nominated, it will affect the election of the governor.

He said it is the Governors who relegate their deputies so that the constitutional provision, which vested power on them, is made redundant.

“There are some of us who feel that the constitution is an invalid document, it is illegitimate, it is a product of the military.

“It is a good constitution. There is nothing wrong with it.”

However, he said no matter how good a constitution is, it is not a self executing document, it doesnt enforce itself. 

“It requires good people to enforce it, and of course, it is not intended to be a perfect document. This nation must begin to respect the constitution. 

“There is no nation that is not artificial. All nations are artificial, and this country is good as it is, from North to West, from North to South, christains and Muslims together, that is how it ought to be

“I am happy that this forum of former deputy governors is made up of Christains and Muslims, from East to West, from North to South. This is how it is.

“There is hope for our country, those who proceed on the basis that they don’t have hope, they are wrong. 

He urged the Federal Governmemt to immediately release “dissidents” as part of the move to consolidate national unity.

He also canvassed for the federal government to establish a National Integration Commission.
Agabi said that Nigeria “can teach them peace and unity,” upon their (dissidents) release.
 The former Attorney General said that “Nigeria has been on a mistake making course since independence,” and that it was time to intentionally and collectively redirect the country.

He bemoaned successive governments’ handling of protests by citizens, “warning that corruption in public offices is the reason for violence on the streets.”

Agabi, who was the Chairman of the conference, while declaring it open amid attendance by past and serving deputy governors, pointed out a faulty education system, and inability of the country to be self-reliant in relevant sectors as part of forces militating against national development

He further called on the President to use “the power of his office as a binding factor to unite the country,” even as he maintained that “the country’s presidential system does not allow unity to be an option. 

“Countries with our kind of peculiarities adopt the presidential system of government. So, Nigerians must work on uniting the country. We will  get there,” he maintained.

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