
House of Reps Press Corps donates Food Items to Orphanage



In line with the mood of the festive season, the House of Representatives Press Corps has brought succor to inmates of Karu Ophanage with donation of food items and clothings.

In her remarks during the event, the Chairman of the House Press Corps, Grace Ike challenged good spirited Nigerians and government at all levels to cooperate with organizations, NGOs to always assists ophanages in the country.

The Chairman while presenting the items on behalf of the Press corps to the management of the home, urged them not to look at the quantity of items that were presented but the motive and intent.

The Chairman further explained during the visit that the Corps under her leadership had decided to visit the home in line with the mood of the ‘season’ as it has provided ample opportunity for all including media practitioners to demonstrate generosity to people especially those lacking the fundamental human needs in the society.

On her reasons for the visit, the chairman stated ”some people might assume that the primary responsibility of a journalist is to inform, educate and entertain but we also care because we are the conscience of society. Please, accept our token donation. Do not look at the quantity but the intention behind it- which is love.

“I will also use this opportunity to appeal to other spirited individuals to always remember our children in orphanages and hospitals, We know that government alone cannot do it but with the assistance of other well-meaning Nigerians, the welfare and condition of our orphanages will be improved.”

He reiterated the need for security within the premises.
In his remarks during the visit, the Administrator of the home, Musa Danjuma commended the Corps for the visit and presentation of gifts, promising to put all items donated to good use and for the purposed they are meant for.

Danjuma further informed journalists during the visit that his orphanage home accepts children from all parts of the country through the Gender Department of Social Development Sectatariat in the Federal Capital Territory, Abuja.

He indicated that some children at the home are for adoption while others are not.

According to him, the home is sustain by subvention from Federal Capital Territory Administration, FCTA, donors from individuals, Cooperate organization, NGOs among others.

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