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FG tackles 5 US senators over allegation of Killing and Persecution of Christians in Nigeria



The Federal Government of Nigeria is not taking lightly the call by five US Republican Senators asking for the redesignation of Nigeria as a country of particular concern because of alleged persecution of Christians as it has comdemned the call.

The Senators had also alleged violation of freedom of Christians’ rights to practice their religion the call through a letter they sent to the US Secretary of State, Antony Blinken

Responding to the allegation in an interview with the News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) in London, the Minister of Information and Culture, Alhaji Lai Mohammed said the call was based on false premise and misunderstanding of what was going on in the country.

Recall that in a letter to the United States Secretary of State, Mr. Anthony Blinken, five US Senators – Josh Hawley, Marco Rubio, Mike Braun, James M. Inhofe, Tom Cotton – wrote, “As you are well aware, horrific acts of deadly violence have been committed against Nigerian Christians in recent weeks, including the massacre of churchgoers on Pentecost Sunday and the stoning of a Christian college student. Sadly, such violence has become all too familiar for Christians in Africa’s most populous country. Last year, however, you inexplicably removed Nigeria’s designation as a Country of Particular Concern (CPC) despite no demonstrable improvement in the country’s religious freedom conditions. On the contrary, the situation in Nigeria has grown worse. We previously urged you to immediately reverse your misguided decision, and we write today to renew our call.

“Recent high-profile acts of violence underscore the intense religious persecution that is regularly experienced by Nigerian Christians. On Pentecost Sunday, gunmen attacked St. Francis Catholic Church in Nigeria’s Ondo state, reportedly killing at least 50 churchgoers. Last month, a violent mob brutally stoned to death Deborah Emmanuel Yakubu, a student at Shehu Shagari College of Education in northwest Nigeria. According to reports, some Islamist students were enraged by a “blasphemous” message Deborah had posted in a WhatsApp group, in which she said that “Jesus Christ is the greatest. He helped me pass my exams.” Merely expressing one’s Christian faith has apparently become tantamount to a death sentence in many parts of Nigeria.

“Religious violence and intolerance directed toward Nigerian Christians has worsened in recent years. One report documented more than 4,650 cases of Nigerian Christians who were killed for their faith in 2021. Accordingly, Nigeria earns the dubious honor—for the second consecutive year—of being the deadliest country on earth for Christians.

“We wrote last year that “[n]ot only has the government of Nigeria failed to take meaningful steps to mitigate such violence, but Nigerian authorities restrict and crack down on religious minorities and detain individuals indefinitely on blasphemy-related charges.” We remain concerned that the Nigerian government is failing to protect the religious freedom and basic safety of its Christian citizens. Furthermore, as this year’s annual reports from the bipartisan U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom (USCIRF) and from your own Department make clear, Nigerian government authorities directly participate in the persecution of Christians, Muslims, and even
non-theists, most notoriously through arrests and convictions under blasphemy laws. Make no mistake: continued enforcement of state-sanctioned blasphemy laws enables the type of deadly violence that killed Deborah Emmanuel Yakubu and so many others.

“When we previously wrote you, we were met with a response which failed to answer our questions about why the State Department views Nigeria as not having engaged in or tolerated “systematic, ongoing, and egregious violations of religious freedom” or even “severe violations of religious freedom.” This is unacceptable, especially because you are required by federal law to consider the recommendation of USCIRF—which, since 2009, has been to designate Nigeria as a CPC. In fact, USCIRF reiterated in its 2022 Annual Report that it was “appalled” at the removal of Nigeria’s CPC designation. Despite public statements from you and other State Department officials condemning the recent bloodshed in Nigeria, the fact remains that the Department still does not officially regard Nigeria as a severe violator of religious freedom.

“The State Department released its 2021 Report on International Religious Freedom on June 2,
which starts the 90-day timeline for the Department to make its religious freedom designations. Given the abysmal state of religious freedom in Nigeria, it is incumbent upon you to reverse last year’s decision and redesignate the country as a CPC. The moment demands that you do so without delay.

“We look forward to your swift action on this important matter.”

But minister Lai Mohammed, who is in London for engagements with
international media as well as
some relevant Non-Governmental-Organisations, recalled that a few months ago Nigeria  was taken out of the list of countries of particular concern because it was proven that there was no iota of truth in the allegation that Christians or persons of any religion were being persecuted or people were not allowed to practice religion of their choice,

‘We want to say once again that Nigeria does not have a policy that denies people the freedom to practice their religion

“The country also does not have a policy of violation freedom of religion and it is not true that Nigeria persecute anybody on account of his or her faith,” he said.

Mohammed noted that the  Constitution of Nigeria guarantees the right of anybody to practice his or her own faith without molestation and the government has always safeguard the constitutional provision  jealously.

He said most commentators who were not well versed in the politics and happenings in Nigeria took criminalities and communal clashes  as issues of religious persecution.

“Nobody in Nigeria is being persecuted But we have issues of criminality going on and the criminals really do not make distinction of any religion.

“They kidnap for money, they hold people on ransome irrespective of their religion and there are some issues pf communal matters dating back to many years.

“If statistic is to be taken, I can say confidently that as many Muslims as Christians have been victims of these criminals,” he said.

According to the minister, the only known group that target Christians was the Islamic State’s West Africa ProvinceI (SWAP)

He, however said that the federal government had mounted a ;large scale military operations to wipe out the criminals and it is yielding results.

“What ISWAP is doing is that because of their dwindling influence hey are now attacking Churches and Christians n order to create crisis between varios religious group.

“But as a government, we are after them,” he said.

The minister said some NGOs were also feeding the international community with wrong information to get funds from donors.

Mohammed reiterated that the two major religions in Nigeria, Islam and Christianity are also collaborating to find solution to the crisis ad bring peace and harmpn.

He gave the example of  the Nigeria Inter-Religious Council (NIREC) which is working to foster unity and better understanding between the Christian and Islamic faiths.

The minister solicited support from multilateral organisations and foreign countries in tackling the challenges if insecurity.

More reports by News Agency of Nigeria (NAN)

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Stop cursing leaders, Pray for them for Nigeria to progress, Rev Mother Ajayi




Rev. Mother Esther Ajayi

***Says, God told her every thing will be fine with Nigeria with prayer

The Founder, Love of Christ Generation Church, Cherubim and Seraphim, Rev. Mother Esther Ajayi has cautioned Nigerians against the negative words and curses they haul at their leaders as it is not solving the myriads of problems but compounding them.
Speaking on Wednesday at the Main Bowl of the National Stadium during a World Press Conferece ahead of a program, ‘Celebrating the Unity of the Holy Spirit: Celebrate the Comforter, slated for July 20 at the Main Bowl, National Stadium, Abuja, she urged Nigerians to be positive and loving.
In her words,
“If only Nigerians will utilize a little part of the energy they use to curse their leaders to pray for them, the country would have been the greatest nation on earth

“Change your mindset about how you speak about Nigeria. Speak positively on this. We are moving higher.
She however called on the president to ensure that there is food on the table for every Nigerian.
“What we want is food on our table, potable water, electricity. Let there be Tinubu rice, Tinubu yam, Tinubu fish.
“I know there are some satanic people in this country that are always sabotaging the government’s goods intention. Flood the market with food.

“I always say about Tinubu, if you look at him, he’s a bold and courageous leader. He’s not a push around person. “He’s going to turn around the fortunes of Nigeria. we are not patient, if we can just be a little bit Patient, I can see us going to greater heights.
“I have a personal relationship and personal fellowship with the Lord Jesus Christ. And Lord Jesus Christ knows my thoughts. Whatever good thing I want, the Lord wants it. We have come to a good day now. You will see. It’s eternal life for the people.”

On the forthcoming crusade she said,
“In June we had our first awareness Rally in Abuja and in Lagos and we say let us have the second let everybody be part of it
We went to meet the President Christain Association of Nigeria Daniel Okoh and we spoke to him, he said every Christian should be part of this. This is huge program and that is why we included the Logo of the CAN
“And we had the second Rally on the 13th of July 2024, it was mind blowing. We had our rally in Lagos with a lot of people showing their positive approval and we have been evangelizing telling the world what this is all about.
On why they chose Abuja for the crusade, she said, “This is the seat of power, where the President of this great nation is leading from and we need to pray for what is going on in Nigeria. It is not only in Nigeria but all over the world.
“In England before now, if we buy Electricity and Gas for £50 it will last six weeks to seven weeks but I bought £50 twice in two weeks.
“What is going on concerning the economy is not only in Nigeria it is all over the world but because we are a developing country then

“About 3weeks ago we took it upon ourselves that if we are going to serve people by road, let us go by road ourselves and see what is happening there.
“So from Victoria Island all the way through to Abuja we were singing and dancing into Abuja. The insecurity is not peculiar to our country but we thank God on July the 20th we are celebrating the Comforter.

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Gov. Uzodinma, Ihedioha, Amuchie top list of dignitaries for 2024 Mbaise Diocesan Synod




Rt Rev Chamberlain Ogunedo, Bishop Diocese of Mbaise

By Obinna F. Nwachukwu, Abuja

The 2024 second session of the Eleventh Synod of the Diocese of Mbaise Anglican Communion is billed to hold at the Immanuel Anglican Church Amumara, Ezinihitte Mbaise from Thursday 23rd to Sunday 26th May, 2024.
Among dignitaries expected to grace the event are, Imo state Governor, His Excellency, Senator Hope Uzodinma, his predecessor in Office His Excellency Rt. Hon. Sir Emeka Ihedioha, Executive Director with Fidelity Bank Plc Sir Stanley Amuchie

Other dignitaries include, the Chief Executive Officer Igwebuike Foundation Dr. Felix Enogwe, Sir Chibu Enwereuzo, members of the Council of Knights, Synod delegates drawn from the Clergy and Laity of the Diocese, Bishops and Archbishops from other Dioceses and prominent sons and daughters of Amumara, the host community

In a statement issued by the Synod Planning Committee led by Sir Chidi Madugba it said the theme of the 2024 Synod is “The Perils of Over Confidence’ taken from 1st Corinthians chapter 10 verse 12 of the Holy Bible.
Highlights of the Synod according to the planning Committee include;  Bible Study, Presidential Address by the Diocesan, Rt. Rev Chamberlain Ogunedo, consideration and approval of reports from the Diocesan Board, the Archdeaconries, Parishes and statutory committees of the Diocese, Bishop’s courtesy call on the traditional rulers of Amumara, as well as cutting of the Synod cake.

The last day being Sunday 26th May will witness Synod Thanskgiving Service and Launching of a N100million Diocesan project support fund and return of Synod Torch.

In the Anglican Church, Synod is the highest governing and legislative meeting of the 3 Houses in the Diocese, namely, – The House of Bishop, The House of Clergy and The House of Laity. The Synod delegates discuss and take decisions on doctrine where there is an issue, on administration and governance of the Diocese and parishes. Synod delegates also discuss matters of the nation and the land which have effects on the church and the people.

Research findings show that constitutionally, the quorum for synod include, The Diocesan Bishop representing the House of Bishop,  the clergy of the Diocese representing the House of Clergy and elected, appointed and nominated lay members representing the House of Laity. The Diocesan Bishop is the only member in the Diocese representing the House of Bishop. All other invited Bishops present at the Synod including those invited to preach and lead Bible Study cannot be included in the roll call of the House of Bishop of that Synod. If the Diocese has Suffragan Bishops then they join with their Diocesan Bishop in the House of Bishop. The Diocesan Bishop presents a special Address during Synod which is called Bishop’s Charge or Presidential Address since the Bishop is the President of Synod.

The Bishop’s Charge or Presidential Address normally has these essential contents which are, Synod Prayer , Bible Exposition on the Theme of the Synod, Discourse and remarks on worthy local, national and global issues, Report of the progress made in the Diocese, Highlight of challenges within the Diocese and possible direction on how to handle them as well as projections into the future of the Diocese

The Anglican Diocese of Mbaise, Imo State is one of 12 within the Anglican Province of Owerri, itself one of 14 provinces within the Church of Nigeria.  

The diocese was inaugurated on 30 November 1992, the inaugural bishop being Rt Rev Cyril Chukwuka Anyanwu who died in 1999, and was succeeded by Rt Rev Bright Joseph Egemasi Ogu. The current bishop Rt Rev Chamberlain Chinedu Ogunedo was consecrated Bishop on 21 February 2010.  He ascended to the Episcopal throne of Mbaise at his enthronement on Sunday 28th of February, 2010.
Rt  Rev chamberlain was made a deacon in1998 and priested in 1999 by His Lordship Rt. Rev (Prof.) Augustine Iwuagwu.

He  became a Canon in the year 2002 by Rt Rev Prof. Augustine Iwuagwu and collated an Archdeacon in the year 2008 by His Grace, Most Rev Ugochukwu Uwaoma Ezuoke. 

Before his election as the Bishop of Mbaise in January, 5th   2010, he had served variously as Chaplain to the Bishops of Aba, Rt Rev Prof Augustine Iwuagwu and Rt Rev Ugochukwu Ezeoke respectively and was occupying the position of Archdeacon on Special Duties of the Diocese of Aba during the bishopric of Most Rev Ugochukwu Uwaoma Ezuoke at the time of his election.

Rt Rev Chamberlain Chinedum Ogunedo is an astute Theologian, an Evangelical Maestro, a visionary leader, a seasoned Administrator, a distinguished academia, a teacher of the word and a prayer warrior. He is committed to service and believes strongly in decency, transparency and accountability. He is the Patron of Anglican Youth Fellowship Nigeria and Grand Patron of the Boys and Girls Brigade Nigeria – Mbaise Joint Council.
His tenure has witnessed great improvements in both spirituality and infrastructural development in the Diocese

Rt Rev Ogunedo is married to Mrs. Oluchi Uloma Ogunedo and the marriage is blessed with  Godly children

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Eid El Fitri: Akpabio celebrates with Muslims, Urges prayers for peace, unity




President of the Senate, Senator Godswill Akpabio, has sent out a message of congratulations to Muslims in Nigeria for the successful end of 30 days Ramadan fast.

He also wished them all the blessings as they celebrate the feast of Eid El Fitri.

Akpabio’s congratulatory message was contained in a statement signed by his Special Adviser on Media and Publicity, Hon. Eseme Eyiboh.

“On behalf of my family, the people of Akwa Ibom North West Senatorial District and indeed the Senate of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, I heartily rejoice with all the Muslims in Nigeria as they join their counterparts in other parts of the world to celebrate Eid El Fitri.

“I wish all of you a peaceful and sweet celebration and pray the Almighty God to grant your heart desires”.

The Senate President urged Muslims to continue to offer prayers for peace, unity and prosperity of Nigeria saying, “Islam is a religion of peace and if its adherents go to God in prayer with sincerity, He will surely answer.

“I therefore ask you to pray for your leaders and the peace and unity of our dear country. I believe with your prayers, Nigeria will overcome its current challenges.

“Wherever you find yourselves, radiate the peace that Islam preaches and the love and care for the less privileged that Prophet Muhammad exemplified”

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